Tender Notice Tanzania and Mozambique
The Norwegian organisation The Royal Norwegian Society for Development (Norges Vel) seeks to engage a research/ consultancy firm with expertise in baseline work for an external baseline value- and baseline context study with special focus on women’s empowerment and climate resilience in agricultural value chains in Tanzania and Mozambique. As part of upstart of the project «Growing Resilience” running from January 2024 to December 2028.
Updated - Annex 2, Results framework Growing Resilience 2024-2028 (PDF)
Updated - Annex 2, Results framework Growing Resilience 2024-2028 (Excel)
Offers with all required documentation are to be submitted by latest 18th of March 2024 CET/ Norwegian time to:
Anita Sæbø anita.saebo@norgesvel.no and
Anne Mugaas anne.mugaas@norgesvel.no
Questions received with Answers from Norges Vel - concerning Tendering process for the baseline indicator and baseline context study March-May 2024 in project “RAF-23/0046 Growing Resilience 2024-2028”.
Question 1
We understand that the assignment consists of two parts:
determining baseline values for the indicators marked with "TBD" in the results framework
conducting a context study based on the 30+ questions stipulated in the ToR
We are wondering about the expected scope of the context study given the high number of questions stipulated. What kind of deliverable is expected regarding the context study, and could you estimate the length of this report?
This will help us gauge our capacity during the period stipulated in the ToR.
Also, is the final deadline of 24 May fixed or would there be any flexibility to extend it by a week or two?
Norges Vel’s answer
The baseline study consists of one part covering baseline values for indicators missing values as well as disaggregating existing and new baseline values by gender and age; but also assessing the result frame in relation to the theory of change and assessing overall if the result frame has sufficient/ relevant indicators or if any changes are recommended.
Result frames for the underlying components will be delivered to the tenderer winning the tendering process, before the Inception Report. The underlying result frames for the different components are currently aggregated in the global result frame in the ToR which is the one to be sent in updated form to Norad.
And the second part of the study is as you specify a context study based on the 30+ questions in the ToR. Some of the 30+ questions are underlying questions to main questions posed.
The context study scope is expected as a report between 20 to max.30 pages. Additional information can if relevant be added in annexes, concerning the questions posed or if other crucial context information is seen needed by the tenderer.
It is important to specify that all data collected in the project pertains to Norges Vel.
The deadlines for all issues relating to the result frame (points 5.1 and 5.3 in the Terms of Reference) is as specified in the ToR:
10th of May – draft updated result frame on baseline values + assessments overall
24th of May – final updated result frame on baseline values + assessments overall
We hereby agree that the context study part can be delayed with final report with 2 weeks, i.e. for the context study part (point 5.2 in ToR) – NEW DEADLINE: 7th of June.
Draft reports must still be presented in line with current deadlines (with some contextual information on the different points under 5.2 in ToR - to give some understanding around specified indicator values set).
Question 2
I am reaching out to inquire about the possibility of collaborating on the baseline study proposal. Specifically, I am interested in exploring the option of forming a joint venture involving two or more organizations.
If such collaboration is feasible, I would appreciate clarification on whether it is necessary to designate a lead organization within the consortium. Understanding the roles and responsibilities within the partnership structure will be crucial for effective coordination and decision-making.
Norges Vel’s answer
Norges Vel requires one formal contracting party for the tender. You are free to organise collaborations with other parties in any legally correct way which is found best by you and potential partners, as long as Norges Vel has one and the same formal collaborating partner for all the work tendered for, and all partners comply correctly to the Terms of Reference, especially also parts 7-12 and Annex 1 to the Terms of Reference.
Question 3
We are interested in the recently published Baseline Indicator and Context Study for Norges Vel’s program RAF 23/0046. We are however concerned about the scope of what is expected in a very short time period. We have therefore two questions:
The ToR mention on page 2: “Further, a description and assessment of the local contexts for women’s empowerment, climate resilience and local framework conditions is requested, and to specify results frame indicator baseline values also regarding women’s empowerment and climate resilience and to disaggregate relevant indicator values by both gender and age, where this is missing in the current result frame”. Question: Should the indicator baseline values be collected from secondary sources, or is it requested that the consultant team should specify new baseline values with use of its own research and findings (primary sources)?
In the case that Norges Vel requests such primary sources, would you be able to apply for an extension of deadline with Norad, to allow for enough time to establish these baseline values, and thereby also extend the duration of the assignment?
Norges Vel’s answer
With reference to the time vs. scope, please also see our response to Q.2. on our Q&A on the tender webpage (ref. above).
Concerning the ToR, please make reference to point/ section 5. Objectives and baseline questions, for a complete and fully specified list of tasks for the work to be completed, which is summarised only with some main points on page 2.
Further responses to your questions:
1. There are some indicators baseline values to be defined and/ or disaggregated by gender and age, where there will be a need of both secondary and primary sources (eg. impact and outcome 1, possibly outcome 3), while others will require possibly more primary sources (eg. outcome 3 and 4).
Norges Vel is further in the process of updating some baseline values as specified in Annex 1 to the Terms of Reference, Result frame for Growing Resilience, which will show that there are less lacking baseline values than presented in Annex 1 originally in the tender.
The updated result frame concerning the baseline values will be shared on the Norges Vel Baseline Tender webpage early next week, before deadline for Tenders. This is also based on updates for the different components, to be shared with the winning Tenderer. In sum, there are various baseline values that will be 0, due to new target groups, and new activities, but there is a need for inputs on the context from the baseline work for each project leader in Norges Vel to make own assessments on realistic targets for 2024-2028.
2. Based on the above, Norges Vel maintains the strict deadlines for the baseline values missing as well as their disaggregation by gender and age.
Question 4
I have additional clarification questions:
The timeline from start to completion of the assignment appears to be very tight, especially considering that fieldwork will be conducted in two different countries. Are you considering revising the timeline to accommodate these challenges?
The Terms of Reference (TORs) suggest a detailed data collection process in all proposed locations. Given the timeline and the proposed budget ceiling, we anticipate challenges in achieving the expected outcomes. Is there room for negotiation and discussion on the appropriate methodology for the work?
There are several issues with the results framework that require clarification. Are you expecting to address these questions at this stage, or will they be discussed only when awarding the consultancy?
Norges Vel’s answer
It is expected that a possible solution to the short timeline is that the winning tender will have enough personnel to carry out work in parallel in the two countries.
The appropriate methodology should be proposed by the tenderer, expecting eg. a combination of secondary and primary data, but more specified methodology and process for data collection is expected proposed by the tenderer. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to propose and chose the best methodology. Norges Vel can give inputs as/ if relevant to the winning tenderer.
Questions regarding the result frame vs. the theory of change, the overall results frame, indicators and the baseline data as well as disaggregation of baseline data on gender and youth vs. non-youth are to be addressed by the tenderer (ref. ToR section 5. for all questions to be assessed regarding the result frame). Please see also questions 1+3 with answers from Norges Vel as published in the Q&A section on the tender web-page. A slightly updated result frame will be published soon ref. question 3 and Norges Vel’s answer, showing there will be some less work on collection of baseline data.
Question 5
Would it be possible for you to send us an excel version as it is easier to work with while mapping indicators to methodology?
Norges Vel’s answer
Please find attached the result frame also in excel, it is also now published on this web page.
Question 6
Referring to the consultancy opportunity captioned above, we would like to know whether the bidder must be able to work in both Tanzania and Mozambique, or a consulting firm in Tanzania can undertake only assignments in Tanzania and another consulting firm in Mozambique can handle the assignments for Mozambique side?
Norges Vel’s answer
The Tenderer chosen needs to present an offer covering all work as specified in the ToR, i.e. both Tanzania and Mozambique. We expect there will be a need for different persons to carry out work in parallel in Tanzania and Mozambique, but under the same Tenderer.
Question 7
As the ToR is quite descriptive and detailed with regards to requirements and deadlines and the overall time frame is relatively short, we wonder if you already have a known provider who could deliver on these studies (the project)? Or are you doing a blind and fully open tender process?
We also wonder how much internal travel is foreseen in the two countries. Do you expect us to travel to all project sites within the given time frame? Will the in-country travel required be by plane or car? Would Norges Vel accommodate and arrange the transportation on the ground or should we budget/ arrange this ourselves?
Are the dates for the field trip fixed or is it possible to move the dates back or forth a bit?
Norges Vel’s answer
Norges Vel is in line with our agreement with Norad for the Growing Resilience project obliged to follow the procurement rules set out in the contract we have with Norad. We do not have a provider who is known to be able to deliver on the ToR as this would be violating the requirements. Norges Vel is, in line with all our work, carrying out work according to our set contracts and agreements, and we are doing a blind and fully open tender process. This is a crucial, central and basic/ integral part of our work.
a. The questions we pose are questions we need answered, to deliver as well as possible and in line with the targets and objectives set for the overall agreement on this project, Growing Resilience. To achieve as good as possible results for the target group which is our main objective in Norges Vel.
The Tenderer is asked to propose the methodology seen best to gather relevant information. As the target group in total is very large, it is not possible to travel to all locations. Ref. ToR point 6. Scope c) Geographical area, we are sorry to see that a footnote fell out in the final round when finalising the ToR, specifying that the areas specified are to be selected from for field visits.
We expect a proposal for overall methodology for selecting areas in the Technical offers for the Tender, and that further details can be given by the Tenderer in an Inception Report to be discussed also with Norges Vel’s project managers before a final decision is taken on which areas to physically visit. In the Budget the Tenderer should include all costs that will be incurred, including the possibility for plane tickets and travel by car or other travel costs, within the total budget frame.
The dates for the field trip are not set in stone – but the deadlines for draft updated result frame inputs and draft context analysis is fixed to 10th of May 2024. As specified in Norges Vel’s answers to Question 1 and published on our Q&A page:
The deadlines for all issues relating to the result frame (points 5.1 and 5.3 in the Terms of Reference) is as specified in the ToR:
10th of May – draft updated result frame on baseline values + assessments overall
24th of May – final updated result frame on baseline values + assessments overall
The context study part (point 5.2 in ToR) – NEW DEADLINE: 7th of June.
Draft reports must still be presented in line with current deadlines (with some contextual information on the different points under 5.2 in ToR - to give some understanding around specified indicator values set).
Question 8
The ToR states that the baseline indicator study shall specify the present values for output, outcome and impact indicators which are currently lacking.
In our review of the results framework we feel that some of the output indicators require clarification and will affect our sampling strategy. For example the three below, is the idea here to provide a value of all trained through previous similar projects or just the Norges Vel project starting in Jan 2024, in which case the value should be zero?
# of small-scale food producers trained (F/M) # of small-scale food producers have acquired required farming inputs (F/M) # of women trained in leadership and management
Also checking if OPI4.5# of producers reached with weather and climate services (F/M) should be Zero since OI4.1# of producers using weather, climate and financial services (F/M) is zero for weather and climate service.
Norges Vel’s answer
It seems that you are right, that the indicator values at baseline for the indicators you specify all should be 0 (zero, as baseline value) since we are stating the baseline value for this project from January 2024.
What we need thus is the context analysis on the various other questions in the ToR to understand rather the current reality (it can be the qualitative description/ analysis but also preferably some numbers to understand what is the status in the different areas the project works (ref. for the different components)), for the different project managers in Norges Vel together with our partners (who are the ones implementing) to also quality assure target values set (for the different indicators), and get inputs to best target activities and work, how to best monitor etc. as mentioned in the ToR.
Your feedback already gives inputs to improve the results framework, and we look forward to the further work to be done by the Tenderer to be chosen.
Question 9
Annex 1: Mandatory information to be provided by the tenderer, page 18, Item 5.
“The tenderer has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions and taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which it is established and with those of the country of Norges Vel (Norway) and those of the country where the contract is to be performed (Mozambique)”
Our company has fulfilled these obligations. Answering ‘correct’ would be stating that we have not fulfilled these obligations which we have. Please advise how we should respond if these social security obligations etc. have been fulfilled.
Norges Vel’s answer
When your company has fulfilled the obligations you should answer ‘not correct’ so that the statement ‘has not fulfilled obligations’ is negated.
Question 10
Unless we have missed it, one thing that the ToR does not specify but we would like to know is: to what extent is regional level disaggregation (within each country context) of importance to Norges Vel of baseline values and results.
Norges Vel’s answer
Concerning to what extent regional level disaggregation within each country context is important regarding baseline values (and results), there is a wish to capture this as relevant, thus the wish for the chosen Tenderer to visit selected areas where the project is working or will work. Again since all targeted sites will not be possible to visit the final selection of exact sites should be done in coordination with the different project component responsibles in Norges Vel and our partners. We expect however also sufficient knowledge from the Tenderer to have inputs also on this.