The organisation of Norges Vel

Norges Vel has 28 employees and 6 project employees, of which most are with our main office at Hellerud Farm in Lillestrøm kommune. We also have a regional office in Bergen and a country offices in Mozambique and Tanzania. 

Organisational Chart

Board of Representatives, the supreme body

The board of representatives is our supreme body and meets once a year.

The board of representatives consists of one representative from each of the organisational members, 18 representatives for the personal members, the board of directors and 4 representatives chosen by, and among Norges Vel's employees.

It is the chairman that calls the board of representatives to meet and chairs the meeting.


Norges Vel is organised as an association, and is a membership organisation where the board of representatives is the supreme body.

The board of directors is lead by the Praeses. The board of directors and Praeses is chosen by the board of representatives. The board of directors appoints the managing director


As a nonprofit organisation, we work to achieve an operation in economic balance where any profit gets reinvested into development projects that contribute to our goal for thriving local communities. 

Articles of Association

Annual reports (in Norwegian)